COVID-19 Case Investigation

by Bee IT Limited



The app is to enhance COVID-19 detection, testing and reporting in Somalia only. The App will be used by individual users authorized by the National Institute of Health (NIH) for data collection and reporting of suspected COVID-19 cases and contacts as well as tracking laboratory test result. The App is designed for the Community Health Workers, District Health Teams and Laboratory personnel to collect and manage data on suspected and confirmed COVID-19 cases and upload the data from the mobile device to a web portal for further analysis and reporting. The App is developed on the basis of Case Investigation Form for Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 (Version-006).Access to App: The App is intended for private users only (NIH authorized health workers in Somalia) who will have access to the app using a password protected credentials created from the Web Admin portal and supplied by the Web and App Administrators. Contact Tracing:As there is no self-registration in the App, the USERID and Password will be given by the Administrator of the entire system by the app users official email. This unique id (USERID) will be pushed to the App. The USERID will thereafter be used to identify the app user in all subsequent App related transactions and will be associated with any data or information uploaded from the App to the Server. The App collects App users GPS location data and stores securely on the mobile device with the COVID-19 patient data which is collected by the App user. The GPS location data will be used later to generate a case concentration MAP to analyze the pandemic situation.While the App user (You) collect the suspected COVID-19 patient data, the Name and the phone no of the patient is collected for further communication with the patient.In below section the App features are described in short.General Features:1. No self-registration in the App and Web Application2. Role based user interface/Menu items (described below)3. Patient data capturing is divided in 5 sections: a. Patient information (Name, phone no, Age etc.) b. Clinical Status c. Exposure risk d. Laboratory Information e. Confirmed Covid-19 Outcome follow-up Community Health Worker role:1. Secure Login2. Generate new Alert by Interviewing COVDI-19 suspect3. Record geo location of the interview place to generate map4. View / Edit case list 5. View notifications send by the District Response TeamDistrict Response Team role:1. Secure Login2. View aggregate case list, Accepts or rejects the alert3. On-going case list (until section 5 not filled in)4. Approve for Specimen collection5. Send to LAB and selected LAB gets notified with a list of casesLAB role:1. Secure Login2. View Case list of specimen collected3. Update TEST Result and district response team gets notified